Forecast employees income for future runs until the end of the year.
Determine each employee’s amount of tax due for the calendar year.
Ensure that two sets of critical annualization records are in agreement at the end of a particular accounting period.
Create a summary of all Annual Information Return of Income Taxes Withheld for all employees
Generate the main attachment to BIR form 1604-CF. This includes an alphabetical list of all your employees 08
Prepare Form 2316 for every employee in your payroll list. This indicates the total amount paid and the taxes withheld for the calendar year.
Are you fully updated on the changes in tax rules? Are you aware of all critical issues or other deciding factors you need to consider in annualizing all your employees’ compensation details?
Ensure that Filed 1601-C versus Processed data are in agreement
Compute accurately final payroll report for the previous year
Conveniently generate the DAT file for your Alphalist
You need to make sure that you have completed the annualization of your employees’ compensation income on or before the end of January.
Make your life much simpler and more comfortable with PDY. Don’t let your worries about annualization happen again towards the end of the year.
We’ll help you take a closer look at your books and be the right partner in preparing for your annualization year after year.
We’re here to help and answer any question you might have with your annualization process.
We look forward to hearing from you.